Find out more about the events and treaties which have shaped the roles of the European Council, the Council of the EU, the Eurogroup and the Euro Summit.
The General Affairs Council coordinates preparations for European Council meetings. It is responsible for a number of cross-cutting policy areas, which include EU enlargement and accession negotiations.
Find out more about the events and treaties which have shaped the roles of the European Council, the Council of the EU, the Eurogroup and the Euro Summit.
The European Coal and Steel Community was founded in 1952 to create a common European market in coal, iron ore, scrap and steel and marked the first attempt to forge a common market within Europe. Fraught with economic and political difficulties it did record some significant achievements and its successes and failures helped create the shape that European integration was to take in the second half of the 20th century. Part 1 on the negotiations for the Paris Treaty.
Étude, réalisée en 2008 par le «Centre archivistique et documentaire» (CARDOC) du Parlement européen, sur les principaux travaux des commissions de l’Assemblée Commune de la CECA entre 1952 et 1958.
This brochure, which accompanies the poster "The Treaties of the European Union from Paris to Lisbon: 1951-2011", presents the history of European integration through the treaties, from the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community to the Treaty of Lisbon. The annex includes a timeline with details on each treaty.
The European Council and the Council of the EU are two key players in the EU’s decision-making. This booklet traces their origins and evolution through the EU treaties. It explores how they both played a decisive role in European integration and how their history reflects that of the EU as a whole: its policies and ambitions, its crises and progress.
El presente folleto, suplemento del cartel «El Consejo Europeo: una institución en la cumbre de la Unión Europea», repasa la historia del Consejo Europeo desde la primera cumbre, celebrada en 1961 en París, hasta su transformación en institución oficial en 2009 con el Tratado de Lisboa. Incluye asimismo una lista completa de todas las sesiones del Consejo Europeo.
En un mundo complejo, conectado y controvertido, la Unión Europea sigue plenamente comprometida con el multilateralismo y con el orden internacional basado en normas con las Naciones Unidas en su núcleo, fomentando la paz y la seguridad y desarrollando colaboraciones estables, al tiempo que defiende los derechos y libertades universales.
This paper explores possibilities for broadening the scope of EU action in order to respond to these repeated calls from EU citizens. With a view to reappraising the legal framework of the EU, it aims at identifying those legal bases in the Treaties that remain either under-used (in terms of the purposes they could be used to achieve) or completely unused. Possible measures are mentioned in each fiche, along with the legal bases in the current Treaties on which action could potentially be based.
Vocabulary based on the protocols and declarations annexed to the Treaties establishing the European Communities, on the treaties amending these treaties and on the documents concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities. This vocabulary supplements the terminology based on the European Treaties which has already been published.
"Fifty years of European coal and steel (1952-2002)", written by Philippe Mioche, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Provence, gives an enthralling account of the half century of the ECSC, the European Coal and Steel Community. The author's concluding remark is "The fifty years of the coal and steel Community constituted a permanent laboratory for the process of European integration.".
Fifty years ago a generation of European leaders, after a devastating war that divided our continent, saw all too clearly what was, but they were prepared to dream of what could be. They had the courage of their European convictions. They opened for Europe a pathway to reconciliation and progress which none had walked before. We are the beneficiaries of that legacy and of their foresight. This is therefore an opportune moment to offer some thoughts on the creation and achievements of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) as well as the difficulties it faced. Let us first look back 50 years and consider the remarkable preamble to the Treaty of Paris.
This is the history of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community from its creation in 1952 up to its merger in 1967 with the Comissions of the European Atomic Energy Communities.
This study, the first part of a wider analysis on the European Parliament's role in EU budgetary powers, traces the very first phase of interinstitutional relations in the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). After a brief historical introduction, the study explains the structure, objectives and means of action of the ECSC. The study concludes with an overview of the evolution of interinstitutional relations, with a focus on the budgetary domain and on the capacity of the institutions to adapt and evolve.
The Library guides contain a selection of relevant resources from the online Eureka catalogue of the Council Libraries. They also contain titles beyond our collections, including open-access publications and websites. The Library guides do not necessarily represent the positions, policies or opinions of the Council of the European Union or the European Council.