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Eureka - Library Catalogue: Results


The conditions of loans and access depend on the type of resource, user and Library policies.

Full access to subscribed e-resources is only available within the Council's network or the Wi-Fi Consilium. In some cases, it is necessary to create an account with a Council domain email. If in doubt, please ask the Library.

Access to other materials depends on the user type:

  • Council staff and Member State delegates (if already registered as users) can access Eureka ith EU Login and request loans and other services. 
  • Staff of other EU institutions can register with the library. Once registered, they can borrow material by visiting the reading room.
  • External researchers can explore Eureka as guests, without signing in, but must request a visit to the reading rooms to consult restricted resources.

The records

Records have different areas of information and interaction. 

At the top you will find the basic information, the pin icon to save it in favourites and the tools to get the citation and share the record and its link. Note that many of these actions can be performed for several records at the same time from the results list and from Favourites. 

In "Get it" you will find the location (in the different Council libraries) and the possibility to request the resource. Note that you can ask for office delivery

The search does not end with the records, you can browse for works by the same author or subject or find similar documents in the gallery. 
Adding your own tags will allow you to classify resources according to your interests.

Sometimes the same resource can be found in both physical and electronic versions, check the notes that accompany each access to select the one that suits you best.

The Library guides contain a selection of relevant resources from the online Eureka catalogue of the Council Libraries. They also contain titles beyond our collections, including open-access publications and websites. The Library guides do not necessarily represent the positions, policies or opinions of the Council of the European Union or the European Council.