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Eureka - Library Catalogue: Log in

Why log in?

Because it is easy and quick

Because it provides more services: anybody can access Eureka but only signed-in members can make a loan, request an item or access his/her Favorites.

To sign into Eureka, you will need your EU Login credentials (Council staff, member state delegates and staff of other EU institutions can sign in).

If you don't have an EU Login account, it's easy to create one by clicking on the create an account link

Data protection

All EU institutions have the legal obligation to keep a central register of records of activities processing personal data (Article 31 of Regulation 2018/1725).

Personal data of GSC library users and staff processed by the GSC libraries in the library management system Ex Libris Alma and the resource discovery service Eureka (Ex Libris Primo)

The Library guides contain a selection of relevant resources from the online Eureka catalogue of the Council Libraries. They also contain titles beyond our collections, including open-access publications and websites. The Library guides do not necessarily represent the positions, policies or opinions of the Council of the European Union or the European Council.